Brian arrived safely in Laird-Michael's home country on Friday evening. He has spent two days in the capital city and will be traveling by bus tomorrow to Laird-Michael's hometown. He has enjoyed his time in the city and took a walk today to check it out. He enjoyed some corn and turkey pizza on his walk for lunch. Weird, huh? He stopped by a convenience store to check it out and bought some chips (sour cream and dill) and a beer ("because it had a soccer ball on the can!")
Today, another Reece's Rainbow landed and arrived at the hotel. Brian was glad to have some American company. They had dinner together at the hotel restaurant. Will you pray that Scott gets his luggage?? It was lost on the way over. Air France has promised it to be delivered tomorrow, but both Brian and Scott leave tomorrow - for the same region and the same hotel! We are hoping they can get Scott's luggage to him before he goes.
Brian meets his translator tomorrow at noon and they will walk to the bus station. The trip is about 6 hours long and puts him in town around 18-19:00. Please pray for a safe bus trip through the mountains for Brian and a safe car trip for Scott. They will meet back up in region and, I think, be heading to the same orphanage each day. I'm glad they both have someone there for a few days.
Also tomorrow, my good friend is flying in to town to help me with Sterling this week. I am so grateful and so blessed to have help. Sterling will be getting a ride to and from school. He's been really sick with croup and a sinus infection so we have been trying to lay low. He is on all kinds of meds and hopefully will feel much better tomorrow!
I would post pics and add so much more detail, but I'm running on 4 hours of sleep from a croupy boy and my energy level is shot after dealing with his emotional little self today. The pediatrician prescribed steroids (our first time with them) and I didn't realize they would turn him into an emotional wreck. As soon as I get more information from Brian, I will update! I don't expect to hear anything until tomorrow afternoon or evening.
On Monday morning, Brian will get up and will meet his translator in the hotel lobby. Together they will walk to the orphanage to meet with the orphanage director at 09:30. (That's 02:30 EST - I'll be asleep dreaming of this meeting.) That means that when I wake up on Monday, we should have NEW PICTURES of my newest little love. I CANNOT WAIT!!! I am so excited.
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